
For every item you consign with We Sell Your Stuff 4U, we will provide the following:


High quality digital pictures, We Sell Your Stuff 4U will place as many pictures as necessary to give your item the exposure it needs for a successful auction. Plus, we'll do some minor cleaning of your item to further give it that winning advantage.

Professional auction listing - Each listing We Sell Your Stuff 4U creates is a true web page to give it a professional look, Your item will always have the maximum chance of getting a good response from bidders. We do all the research necessary to put as much detail about the item in the listing so potential bidders will have all the information they need to make a decision to bid on your item. Items will be listed as a 7 day auction, which is the optimum time span. We will start your listing so it ends at the best time to get maximum bidding. Most bidding goes on within the last 5 minutes of an auction so you don't want the auction to end at 4:30AM on a Tuesday morning. While there may be many items like yours for sale online, we go the extra mile to give your item the edge over the others.

There may be instances where a Reserve Auction or a Fixed Price Listing may be a better option for your item(s). We will discuss that with you when you drop your items off.

Auction status - We Sell Your Stuff 4U will notify you by email when your item is listed and will provide you with a link to the listing. This way you'll be able to sit back and watch the bidding. When the auction is over, we will email you notifying you of the auction's outcome, and if it's successful, will let you know how much you made on the item.
Auction processing - We Sell Your Stuff 4U will handle all auction related correspondence. This includes answering email questions from prospective bidders all the way through to the End of Auction correspondence to obtain the auction proceeds and shipping information plus posting feedback for the winning bidders. We will even process credit card and money order payments at no extra charge to you.
Shipping - We Sell Your Stuff 4U will package and ship your item after its successful auction run. You won't have to bother running to the Post Office or scheduling a UPS pickup. The fee for shipping is fully paid by the successful bidder and is added to their auction total, unless you elect to offer Free Shipping. We use USPS or UPS for shipping,
Allowed Items - We Sell Your Stuff 4U will only list items that online sites allows for sale on their site. Collectibles and antiques sell the best. Items must have proof of ownership to be listed by We Sell Your Stuff 4U . If an item is found to be stolen or misappropriated, the auction for that item will be discontinued and the local authorities will be contacted. We Sell Your Stuff 4U will cooperate fully with law enforcement officials and will not take responsibility for illegal items. Contact us to see if We Sell Your Stuff 4U to find out if your items are worth listing online.
Pickup of Items - We Sell Your Stuff 4U will pick up items within the Lower Bucks and far NE Philly area for free if there are more than 20 items, less than 20 items there will be a $15.00 fee. Any item that cannot be dropped off can be shipped to We Sell Your Stuff 4U at the consignor's cost. Any unsold item that was shipped to We Sell Your Stuff 4U will be shipped back at the consignor's cost.
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